Spring Mix Bouquet


Spring flowers are magical! After a long dark winter, they are the brightest and most beautiful flowers of the whole year. This subscription allows you one bouquet a week for three weeks. Each bouquet could include snapdragons, bell flowers, irises, ranunculus, poppies and peonies.

How does this work? I will send out a email reminding you of the pickup in the morning. The bouquet will be placed on the flower stand available for you to pickup anytime before 7pm.

The exact start date is dependent on the weather but it will most likely begin in mid May. The last time to buy is May 1st.

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Spring flowers are magical! After a long dark winter, they are the brightest and most beautiful flowers of the whole year. This subscription allows you one bouquet a week for three weeks. Each bouquet could include snapdragons, bell flowers, irises, ranunculus, poppies and peonies.

How does this work? I will send out a email reminding you of the pickup in the morning. The bouquet will be placed on the flower stand available for you to pickup anytime before 7pm.

The exact start date is dependent on the weather but it will most likely begin in mid May. The last time to buy is May 1st.

Spring flowers are magical! After a long dark winter, they are the brightest and most beautiful flowers of the whole year. This subscription allows you one bouquet a week for three weeks. Each bouquet could include snapdragons, bell flowers, irises, ranunculus, poppies and peonies.

How does this work? I will send out a email reminding you of the pickup in the morning. The bouquet will be placed on the flower stand available for you to pickup anytime before 7pm.

The exact start date is dependent on the weather but it will most likely begin in mid May. The last time to buy is May 1st.